Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stuck in the Storm

Keith and I had been running errands all day and we had a few left to do. It had been a pretty nice day. Keith was able to mow the lawn and I was able to vacuum out the car. We were starving and had not eaten in hours. So we decided to go get a bite to eat and run our last errand of the day. By the time we got to our dinning spot we noticed that the clouds were really dark. They were quite beautiful. I remember telling Keith that they looked beautifully Erie, but it was still really warm out side and living in Washington Rain is not all that unusual so we didn't think much about it. Anyways after dinner we ran to Target to pick up a few things. As we were walking into the store we felt a few rain drops. But we did not think to much about it. We went inside and grabbed the few things we needed and proceeded to check outs. Of course as usual we ran in to a friend of ours so we stopped and talked for a few minutes. We were in the store for a total of maybe 15 minutes. As we were standing at the door we noticed that it was poring down rain. Now not your normal Poring rain but it was raining buckets literally. I had never experienced raindrops that big in my life. We tried to make a run for the car. I could not believe how bad it was raining. The parking lot was already flooding. So we get to the car and of course Keith could not get the trunk open with the remote. So here I am standing outside in the horrible storm soaked to the bone for what seemed like minutes but was probably only a total of 30 seconds. The ride home was interesting. The windshield wipers were worthless at this point. and the Lightning had set in. One bolt of lightning was so close it blinded us. It looked like someone had just taken our picture. But thankfully we did not live to far away and we made it to our home safely. By the time we got inside I looked like I had just jumped in a swimming pool with my clothes on. There was not a dry spot on me. I had to run do an emergency load of laundry so that the wet clothes did not sit in the hamper and get all smelly. Once we were home and safe. We opened the windows and watched the storm. It really was quite beautiful. We do not normally have storms like that. It lasted for probably an hour with straight down poor and lightning flashing every 30 seconds or so.

Friday, May 16, 2008

One Year ago Today

As I sit hear in my office surrounded by so much work that three people would never be able to complete it in a day. I began to look out the window and see the sun for the first time this year. and I remebered that One year ago today Keith and I were on a plane Flying to Meet my sister Stacey and her husband Adam in Playa Del Carmen Mexico. We had such a great time. We snorked, bathed in the sun, shopped, visited the Myan Ruins of Chitzenitza (I don't know how to spell it), ate tons, and had way too many Virgin Daqaris and Pina coladas. Oh how I wish I was back thier today. I could use a good vacation. So I have made the decision that this time next year we are definatley taking another big Vacation we deserve it. Below are some of our pictures from the Vacation.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ahrya Makes Three

Keith's Brother JR and His Wife Eliza had a baby girl on Sunday she was 8 lbs even and has a full head of hair. Mother and baby are doing great. Corinne and Calem couldn't believe how little she was and were sure they were never that small. She is so adorable and we are excited to have her in the family. I purposely left out the picture of me and Ahrya. I didn't like the way I looked. That is the joy of blogging. You only get to see the pictures I approve =)

While Eliza was in the hospital having the baby Corinne and Calem came to our house for the day. Corinne and I decided to bring out the play dough. Below are our creations. I might have had a little more fun than she did. I don't know its a toss up.

Calem Thought the car seat was more entertaining than the Play Dough. So easily entertained.