Sunday, February 22, 2009

We have FINALLY broken ground on our house

I Can't believe that we have finally broken ground on our house. It feels so good to see some progress. We are the proud owners of a cement slab.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Romantic Get Away

Since my Birthday is 3 days before Valentines day. Keith decided to combine both my birthday and Valentines Day. He took me to bend Oregon for the weekend. We stayed in the River house hotel. It was right on the river. Our hotel room had a hot tub and a fire place it was really nice. Then on Valentines Day he booked me a 1 hour Massage and a Foot rub. It was Awesome. They even severed me Sparkling cider and chocolate Fondue. Loved it. We had a great time. Below are some pictures of our weekend.

We went for a drive and in one of the parks there were like 10 deer just laying around eating the grass, they were nice enough to let us take a picture of them. The one above decided that his butt was the best view. We could not get him to turn around.
Above are pictures of the view from the balcony of our hotel room. I don't think the pictures do it justice.
This is a picture from the bridge we had to cross in order to get to the restaurant.

Above are a few pictures of our hotel room. It was such a nice place to stay. I hope we get to go there again sometime. Thanks for a wonderful weekend Honey I love You!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things

So I kept getting tagged on facebook. To type 25 random things about me. So I figured since I spent so much time trying to figure out 25 random things about me, that maybe my blogging friends would like to know a little bit more about me as well.

1) I love to watch cheesy dance movies. If there is dancing in it. I will probably watch it. And yes occasionally I will try a dance move or two. I secretly wish I could dance like that.
2) I love to sing a long to the radio in my car. Although I don't sing very well so I just turn the radio up real loud so that I can't hear my self
3) I am a closet Kenny Rogers Fan (Or I guess I was a closet fan my secret is out now).
4)When I eat colored candy such as Skittles or Jelly Beans I have to eat 2 pieces of the same color at a time. One for each side of my mouth and it drives me crazy when someone will just take a handful and mess up my color flow. I know weird.
5) I can't stand crumbs left on the counter. If you are going to clean the kitchen wipe of the counter. You kitchen is still dirty if your counters aren't clean.
6) I also can't stand it when people leave their cabinet doors open. I will go behind them at shut them. I promise I am not OCD
7) I am a stress case. I generally agree to do way to much and never ask for help. I know its a problem I just can't seem to fix it.
8)I love cars. When there is a car show in town I beg my husband to take me. I can probably tell you the make and model of most cars driving down the street.
9) I hate it when my toe nails are not painted. They look so naked.
10)I love reading but usually don't have much time to read. I have recently taken up books on tape since I commute and have been known to drive around the block a few times because I am not ready to stop listening and get out of the car. Thus making my commute twice as long.
11) I love my Husband he is my best friend. I tell him everything.
12) I think I am addicted to facebook. I can't seem to get enough of it.
13) I am not a morning person. I need at least an hour to wake up and adjust to the day. And Morning people make me angry especially if I have not been been a wake for an hour.
14) I hate hate hate spiders. They creep me out. I don't like the way they move. And I always make other people kill them for me. I am afraid that if I try to kill them I will miss and they will jump on me. YUCK!!
15) I am generally a patient person. Except when I am at work. I am stressed all the time and loose my patience more often than I would like. It is probably because I am usually being pulled in 50 different directions.
16) I love to go camping and 4 wheeling. But it seems we always get so busy in the summer time and do not get to go as often as I like
17) I hate running but have always wanted to be a runner. I am currently trying to mentally trick my self into liking it. I have been running for about a week and a half. I will let you know how it goes
18) I hate folding laundry. I don't have to much of a problem actually doing my laundry but I never seem to get around to folding my laundry.
19) I am an animal lover. I love my dogs. They are like my replacement children. They think they lack attention and they are the most spoiled dogs in the world.
20) I enjoy baking and decorating cakes.
21) I can not stand Oregon Drivers. They drive way too slow and do not understand the unwritten laws of the road. I miss driving in California
22) I would love to drive a race car. I like the idea of driving fast and not getting in trouble for it.
23)I don't like to be told what to do. If you nag me I will purposely not do it just to piss you off!
24) I am actually liking living with my sister and her kids. They are very entertaining there is never a dull moment
25) I sometimes talk to loud. I forget my volume Control. I think it is a Hatch trait. At least that is what my husband says.