Sunday, February 22, 2009

We have FINALLY broken ground on our house

I Can't believe that we have finally broken ground on our house. It feels so good to see some progress. We are the proud owners of a cement slab.


Leslie said...

CONGRATS Lindsay!!!!!!!! =) hey, it's a start and now it will just fly!!!... can't wait to see the progress!!! =)

Hill Family said...

Thanks again for comming over for dinner, it's been a long time. It was fun to catch up, and to go see the house. I'm so excieted for you guys, it's going to be wonderful!!

Les and Cheryl said...

Well to me it looks beautiful already. Have a great time with the process.

Becky said...

How exciting! What are those round things on the ground? Are you still in Oregon then?

Molly Jolley said...

Yippee that is the most beautiful cement slab i have ever seen. I am so excited for you guys.

Molly Jolley said...

I really wish you already had a final day for your house to be done cause then i could start a countdown :) love ya

CBJ said...

Congrats on the cement slab...PROGRESS is good! Hope things are really good with you and your fam!!

Ashley May said...

Yay! It's really happening! I'm so excited!

The Original TomKat said...

YAY! That's so exciting! Can't wait to see you guys!

Deb said...

Hi lindsey!
don't ask me how I found this blog, somehow one person's leads me to another, and then another, and then I found myself here. :) Last time I saw you was at the airport last summer as we were both headed back to Cali! Too bad our seats were not close by. I don't know if you heard the flight crew pretending to be the captain and asking zach to please fasten his seatbelt. we were having quite the time on that early morning flight! LOL

Fun to read your blog! Sounds like you guys are doing really well. I loved reading your 25 things......

fun to find you on here. tell keith we say hello too!